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Start with Qvarden today

Swap to Qvarden with up to 100% bonus


    How to swap

    Choose currencyicon
    Choose currencyicon
    Pick one of our accepted cryptocurrencies you want to use for the swap
    Make depositicon
    Confirm the details and send the specified amount of the crypto asset to the generated address
    Get your coinsicon
    Get your Qvardenicon
    Receive a confirmation email including your Qvarden wallet and get your Qvarden deposited on a new Qvarden wallet account or use compatible Web3 Wallets.

    Reliable serviceReliable service

    Qvarden is the easiest way to buy crypto currencies and deal with them, honestly I am surprised. Qvarden has a good future coming!
    Bobby Lee
    Bobby Lee
    AI and digital payment systems are talking points for the next few years. Qvarden is clearly some steps ahead.
    Paul Puey
    Paul Puey
    Qvarden is ready, the Qvarden wallet does everything a good wallet should do and much more.
    Konstantin Gladych
    Konstantin Gladych
    Fast crypto exchange

    Fast crypto swap

    The average time for swap processing is about 5 minutes. You can track the progress on the exchange page.

    • 98% Swaps completed in less than 30 minutes 🔥
      Swaps completed with the better exchange rate or deviated from estimate for less than 0.5%
    • 1m Tokens available
    • 1m Average Exchange Time
    Limitless exchange

    Limitless exchange

    Use Qvarden wallet to swap most of the assets and tokens available on CoinMarketCap

    200 Tokens

    Buy crypto with fiat

    Make crypto purchases easy on Qvarden wallet even if you don't own any for the exchange by using your credit or debit card

    Master CardVisaSepaApple Pay